The cryptographic information is kept in the extended attributes for each file. 加密信息保存在每个文件的扩展属性中。
The third extended file system ( ext3) was a major advance in Linux file systems, even though its performance was less than some of its competitors. 第3个扩展文件系统(ext3)是Linux文件系统的重大改进,尽管它在性能方面逊色于某些竞争对手。
This Extended WSDL file includes the EJB bindings. 这个扩展WSDL文件中包括EJB绑定。
These attributes include file owner and group permissions, access-control lists ( ACLs), and extended file attributes. 这些属性包括文件所有者及组权限,访问控制列表(ACL),以及扩展文件属性。
The fourth extended file system 第4扩展文件系统
The fourth extended file system ( ext4) file system was renamed from ext4dev to ext4, which means that it's stable enough for regular use. 第4扩展文件系统(Thefourthextendedfilesystem)的名字ext4是由ext4dev改变而来的,这意味着它已经足够稳定,可以常规使用。
This file system had some significant performance issues, so another file system was created specifically for Linux called the extended file system. 这个文件系统有严重的性能问题,因此出现了另一个针对Linux的文件系统,即扩展文件系统。
Using ACL gives more control on who can and cannot access or execute a file or directory; that is determined by the extended permissions that can be given to a file on a user or group basis. 通过使用ACL,可以更好地控制谁可以、谁不可以访问或执行文件或目录;这由按用户或组分配给文件的扩展权限决定。
Then use the mke2fs command to create an ext2 ( second extended) file system using the empty file. 然后使用mke2fs命令在这个空文件上创建了一个ext2(即secondextended)文件系统。
The third extended file system ( ext3fs) is the most popular journaling file system and is the evolution of the popular ext2 file system. 第三扩展文件系统(thirdextendedfilesystem,ext3fs)是最流行的日志文件系统,是由ext2文件系统演化而来。
Ext4 is the successor to the standard third extended file system ( ext3) available today, but with better performance, features, and reliability. Ext4源自第3扩展文件系统(ext3),并具有更好的性能、特性和可靠性。
The Extended Object File System ( exofs) is a traditional Linux file system built over an object storage system. ExtendedObjectFileSystem(exofs)是构建在对象存储系统上的一种传统的Linux文件系统。
The view provides a list() method that returns a List of String names of the extended attributes for the relevant file. 这一属性提供list()方法,来为相关的文件返回ListofString扩展属性的名字。
The most commonly used journaling file system, ext3fs ( or third extended file system) is an extension of ext2 with journaling capabilities. 最常用的日志文件系统ext3fs(thirdextendedfilesystem)是ext2的扩展,它增加了记录日志的功能。
Amazingly, timestamps in the extended file system arena prior to ext4 were seconds based. 令人惊讶的是,ext4之前的扩展文件系统的时间戳都是以秒为单位的。
Most notable improvement is introduction of extended attributes, or file metadata. 最值得注意的改进是扩展属性(或文件元数据)的引入。
The remaining space on the card is dedicated to a third extended file system ( ext3) partition. 卡上的剩余空间分配给一个thirdextendedfilesystem(ext3)分区。
This next generation of the extended file system provides improved scalability, reliability, and considerable new functionality. 这个下一代扩展文件系统提供更好的伸缩性、可靠性和许多新功能。
Checking the check box to Deploy JDBC Connection to Server will automatically create a data source in the extended information of your EAR file. 选择DeployJDBCConnectiontoServer复选框,将会在您的EAR文件的扩展信息中,自动创建一个数据源。
Third extended file system ( ext3fs) 第三扩展文件系统(ext3fs)
You need to upload the extended of_sample_regex_cas2index.xml file to the parser configuration of each collection that has the new regular expression annotator activated using the administrative console. 对于已经通过管理控制台激活了新的正则表达式注释器的每个集合,需要将扩展后的ofsampleregexcas2index.xml文件上载到集合的解析器配置中。
Create a standard third extended ( ext3) file system. 创建一个标准第三方可扩展(ext3)文件系统。
The extended file system obviously has a long and rich history within Linux& from the first introduction to ext in1992 to ext4 in2008. 针对Linux的扩展文件系统有着漫长而丰富的历史&从1992年首次引入ext1到2008年引入ext4。
Pack and Go is unable to pack this presentation because the file name '^ 1' contains extended characters. Please rename this file and try again. 打包程序无法打包此演示文稿,因为文件名'^1'包含扩展字符。请改名后再试。
The extended attribute file on the mounted file system is corrupt. 装在文件系统上的扩展属性文件已损坏。
Windows will maintain long names and extended file information on files and folders. windows将保留文件及文件夹的长文件名及扩展文件信息。
The extended attribute table file is full. 扩展属性表格文件已满。
The Lynx is extended through developing keyword configure file, GUI configure file and the lynx plug-in DLL. 创建关键字配置文件、GUI配置文件以及Lynx插件DLL,实现Lynx界面的扩展。
To solve the problem of checking testing output due to the large amount of the output and the difficulty in constructing the test oracle in One Card Multi-service System Testing, proposes an extended Log File Analysis method. 针对一卡通系统测试中因输出结果数量大、系统关联复杂、测试准则构造困难等因素而导致的难以判断输出结果正确性的问题,提出了扩展日志分析法。